Self-care is a personal journey. Although it may sound like a cliche, self-care is essential. What works for one person may not work for another, and that's the beauty of it.

Practising self-care
Looking after yourself is about discovering what resonates with you and brings you peace and balance in your daily life. Here are a few easy self-care practices you can adopt. Embrace your individuality and find what works best for you.
Start the day with a nutritious breakfast and jot down your daily to-do list to help you keep on track.
Eating regular meals and cutting down on caffeine gives you more energy.
Remember, you are not a machine. Take regular breaks, get up, and move about.
Always take a lunch break.
Keeping either your workspace or home clean and tidy helps with productivity.
Stay active! Consider going to the gym, walking on your lunch break, or even dancing in the kitchen as you brew your tea.
Plan rest time and holidays. Remember, you deserve a break. Resting is not a luxury; it's a necessity for your well-being.
Take time off social media to give yourself the space to be present.

Establish small daily rituals that enhance confidence. For example, you can repeat a mantra like "I grow wiser, stronger, and more unstoppable every day" or journal about your accomplishments. These simple practices can help boost your self-esteem and keep you motivated.
Self-care isn't:
doing stuff that doesn't spark joy
anything that involves spending money
about cramming more stuff to do each day
adding more jobs to your to-do list

Self-care is:
anything that nurtures you
anything that makes you feel great and happy
removing things from your daily life that don't support your well-being
setting healthy boundaries
developing good healthy habits

Self-care and overall well-being do not involve making significant lifestyle changes but small, incremental choices that are easy to incorporate into daily routines, whether at work or at home.

Practicing self-care
Take time to appreciate the little things in life by focusing on what brings joy and total relaxation - here are a few self-care ideas:
Give your partner or child a hug. Physical affection has been known to lower the stress hormone Cortisol.
Consume a herbal tea like Chamomile. It has proven effective as a remedy for insomnia, which is excellent news if stress prevents you from having a restful night's sleep.
Maintaining a gratitude journal can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. Spend a few minutes each day writing down three things you are thankful for. This straightforward exercise can redirect your attention from stressors to the positive aspects of your life.
Call a friend - Connecting or reconnecting with a friend when you are feeling low is a great mood lifter and a reminder that you are not alone in your journey.
Be inventive - Studies indicate that engaging in activities that involve using your hands, such as creating pottery, painting, or basic crafting, can help you become immersed and lower your anxiety levels. Creating something—even re-purposing an old piece of furniture can be incredibly fulfilling.

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